Zoning Board of Appeals
Zoning Map:
Future Land Use Map:
Existing Land Use Map:
The Casco Township Zoning Board of Appeals meets to consider requests for variances to the Casco Township Zoning Ordinance. Questions about zoning can be directed to the Zoning Administrator, Tasha Smalley.
The ZBA is scheduled to meet a few times a year on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Notices of the meetings are published in the South Haven Tribune and posted in the foyer of the Casco Township Hall.
The current Casco Township Zoning Ordinance is available for download on the Building & Zoning page.
Zoning Administrator:
Tasha Smalley, Michigan Township Services
269-673-3239 mtsallegan@frontier.com
At the township hall:
Tues, 12:30 - 2:30 269-637-4441
For more information related to Zoning, visit the Planning Commission and Building & Zoning pages of the website.
Click the images below to view, print, or download larger versions of the zoning/land use maps:
Matt Hamlin
774 64th St. 616-836-1778
Paul Macyauski
6371 104th Ave. 269-330-2619
Representative from Board of Trustees
Dian Liepe
772 62nd Street 269-214-1084
Matt Super
7366 North Shore Dr. 269-214-2800
Alex Overhiser
6317 107th Ave. 269-910-5811
Recording Secretary:
Janet Chambers
7340 Lake Ridge Rd. 269-637-8370
To read or download minutes from the meetings, click here.
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