Casco Sand Mine Operation
Ongoing consideration is being given to a request to start a sand mine operation in Casco Township.  The courts have ruled that Michigan property owners have the right to mine sand and gravel from their property. Our Zoning Ordinance has provisions to allow a Sand mine under a Special use permit.  This allows the Township to work with the Sand Mine applicant to mitigate the impact on the neighbors and the community. The Planning Commission and the applicant have been working to reduce those negative impacts while protecting the environment and other natural resources, The Casco Planning Commission has been seeking public comment to reduce impact on neighboring properties and properties along the haul route.

The Planning Commission has heard concerns about dust and traffic especially since 68th Street is a gravel road with no shoulders for pedestrian traffic. The Board and Planning Commission are looking at paving 68th Street between 104th and 107th to drastically reduce dust and better accommodate pedestrian use as part of mitigating public concerns.

I would like to thank the Public, the Planning Commission, and the applicant for making positive contributions to the Special Land Use process as it will result in a positive outcome.

Broadband for All
The Allegan County Broadband Project will begin in August with the goal of bringing high-speed internet to 10,000 addresses across Allegan County that are either unserved or underserved. The new network will be open access and carrier neutral, enabling other network providers to use this infrastructure to offer services. The expected cost of this service will be lower than other options currently available. We have not heard as yet when the Casco portion of the effort will be complete.

Tire Recycling
We will have a free tire recycling event at the transfer station on August 19th from 10 until noon. There is a limit of 10 tires per transfer station card. Please call Allan Overhiser with any questions - 616-836-3298.

Allan Overhiser, Supervisor

Notes from the Supervisor  - Volume 4   July, 2022

Notes from the Supervisor  - Volume 4   July, 2022

Notes from the Supervisor  - Volume 4   July, 2022