The Clerk's office is open:
Tuesday & Wednesday: 1pm - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Contact the Clerk's Office for general questions about township business, elections and voter registration, record keeping, cemeteries, and Short-Term Rentals..
FOIA Requests:
The clerk's office is responsible for filling Freedom of Information Act requests. Please contact the Clerk's Office at 269-637-4441 Ext 4 to file a FOIA request.
Clerk's Office
Clerk's Office:
The Clerk's Office manages day-to-day activities of the township. The Clerk's office coordinates meetings, communications, budgets, voter registration and runs all elections.
Township Clerk
Rachel Ridley
269-637-4441 Ext 4
Deputy Clerk
Kathy Stanton
269-637-4441 Ext 5
Casco Township © 2016 | All Rights Reserved