Taxes and Assessments
Board of Review
The Board of Review holds hearings in March of every year to hear protests regarding the valuation of properties.
Contact the Township Offices in February to inquire about an appointment at the next Board of Review hearings in March.
If you wish to protest the assessed value of your property, you may make an appointment to appear before the Board of Review by calling the township offices at
269-637-4441. Residents are also permitted to file a protest by mail or fax, by Board of Trustees resolution.
Protesters must submit a completed form for their petition to be considered by the Board.
Here is information about how to prepare your statement to the Board of Review.
Matt Hamlin
846 64th St.
Allan W. Overhiser, Supervisor
6317 107th Avenue
Recording Secretary:
Kim Overhiser
6317 107th Avenue
Dave Campbell
7174 Ferndale
Mary Tobin
945 Lake St.
Kelli Jellison
Property taxes are managed by Kenny Clevenger, the Casco Township Treasurer. If you wish to contact Kenny, he keeps hours at the Township each Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 269-637-4441, ext. 2.
Summer taxes are due September 14. Bills are mailed around July 1. Winter taxes are due February 14. Bills are mailed around Dec 1.
To change the mailing address for your tax bill(s), fill out and send in this form:
Getting Tax information
Tax information for properties in Casco Township can be looked up online at the Allegan County website, On the left side of the County home page, click "Search Tax Records." Note: This is the same data used by Casco Treasurer, Kenny Clevenger.
Casco ECF and Land Values
Casco ECFs Combined
Assessment Information
Casco Township's assessment needs are provided by Kelli Jellison, MAAO of Assessing Solutions, Inc..
Assessor: Kelli Jellison
For questions or to make an appointment call Kelli at 269-591-0289
Frequently requested information:
The Board has an relationship with Assessing Solutions, Inc. who will evaluate 20% of all real property each year, as a way of keeping assessments current, and keeping records up to date in an ongoing manner. This approach to assessment has been recommended by the State of Michigan.
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