Stephenson Cemetery
66th St. between 102nd and 103rd Avenues

Stuller Cemetery
Stephenson Cemetery

​​​Stuller Cemetery

64th St. south of 111th Avenue​​​

Sexton: Craig Overhiser

McDowell Cemetery
107th Ave. across from Casco Township Hall


Casco Township's three cemeteries are governed by rules approved by the Casco Township board. Rates are set by the board for internment services and monument installations provided by Cemetery Sexton Craig Overhiser.

Lots may be purchased by residents or non-residents. Lots cannot be transferred. If you are interested in purchasing a lot, please contact Sexton Craig Overhiser,  269-292-0653.

Burial Rights Certificate (per space)
Resident   $200 
Non-Resident   $1,150 

Grave Openings/Burial Fee
Resident   $675 
Non-Resident   $1,100 

Cremation Burials 
Resident   $225
Non-Resident   $375

Mausoleum Inspection 
Resident or Non-   $200

Disinterment   $1,100

Monument Foundation   $.55/sq. inch 

Note:  Rates for a Service on Saturdays are one and a half times the above listed rate. Rates for Sundays and Holidays are doubled.

A township resident is defined as having a homestead exemption or a voter's registration on file.

Burial Rights certificates are non-transferable but may be surrendered and the original purchase amount refunded. Burial spaces which remain vacant for 40 years, may revert back to the township.

Rates Effective  November 18, 2024

McDowell Cemetery