In-Person Early Voting

You can vote In-Person for 9 days ahead of all state or federal elections. More info at the state website

Registering to Vote
You can register to vote anytime up to and including on election day. If you are registering two weeks  or less before an election, and you want to vote in the upcoming election, you need to register in person at the township office and bring proof of residence – photo ID, Utility Bill, or other bill that shows you live at the address where you are registering.

Any other time you can register to vote by:

  • Registering online on
  • Download and fill out an application
  • Visit the Clerk's Office (Tues, Wed 1-4pm, Thurs 9am – 4pm)​

​More info at the state website

Becoming an Election Worker
If you are interested in working on elections as a trained Election Inspector, please let Clerk Cheri Brenner know by sending her an email at

Elections​ Inquiries
For questions about elections and voting, call:
Clerk, Rachel Ridley 269-637-4441 Ext 4 or
Dep. Clerk, Kathy Stanton 269-637-4441 Ext 5

Voting in Person

Elections are held at the Casco Township Hall:
7104 107th Ave., South Haven, MI 49090

​Voters need to show picture ID when arriving to vote. If you do not have ID with you when arriving to vote, you may still vote, if you sign an affidavit that your id is not with you that day.

More info at the state website

Absentee Voting

Applying for a Ballot
Any registered voter can vote absentee by applying for an Absent Voter Ballot. 

You can get an application for a ballot by doing any one of the following:

  • call or stop by the Clerk’s Office and request one (269-637-4441 Ext. 5)
  • fill the form out online and submit it electronically
  • download & print a .pdf of the application, fill it out and mail it, or drop it off in the Clerk's Office.


You can also sign up to be a Permanent Ballot recipient by checking the box on the Absent Voter Ballot Application that indicates that you'd like a ballot of each election in the future. 

Receiving Your Ballot
Once you fill out and submit your application, it will be validated and your signature checked. Once confirmed as a valid application we will send your ballot by mail. If you prefer, you can bring your application to the clerk's office and pick up your ballot. 

Returning Your Ballot
Once you have completed your ballot, you need to return it to the Township Clerk by 8pm on election day:

  • United States Postal Service
  • Another delivery service (e.g. FedEx, UPS)
  • Bring it in during office hours (Tues, Wed 1-4pm, Thurs 9am - 4pm)
  • Put it in the drop box in the lobby of the Township Hall (open 24/7 at 7104 107th Ave. - door is on the 71st St side of the building)

You can check to make sure your ballot has been receipted in by checking on under elections
